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Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
The Library of Michigan (LM) supports statewide initiatives and competitive grant programs for libraries with federal funds received under the Museum and Library Services Act of 2018. LM uses these and other funds to provide a range of services and programs to public, academic and school libraries and librarians as well as Michigan residents.
The Institute for Museum and Library Services, an independent federal agency, provides funds under this legislation to State Library Administrative Agencies to improve and support library, museum and information services. The legislation outlines the following broad priorities, excerpted below:
- expanding services for learning and access to information ...;
- establishing or enhancing electronic and other linkages and improved coordination among and between libraries;
- providing training and professional development, including continuing education, to enhance the skills of the current library workforce;
- developing public and private partnerships with other agencies and community-based organizations;
- targeting library services to individuals of diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to individuals with disabilities, and to individuals with limited functional literacy or information skills;
- developing library services that provide all users access to information ...
The Library of Michigan's Five-Year Plan for Michigan, October 2022 - September 2027 describes the current goals for LSTA funded services to Michigan libraries. The LSTA Advisory Council, made up of library staff and users from a range of library types and areas in Michigan advise LM on LSTA funded programs. The current state fiscal year 2025/federal fiscal year 2024 LSTA funding to the Library of Michigan is $4,788,124.00.
For any questions or concerns about LSTA and LSTA funded programs, contact Karren Reish at or (517) 241-0021.
The LM 2024/2025 Improving Access to Information grants have been awarded! See below for more information.
A new monthly Grants Office Hours will start in January 2025. Attendees can ask questions about LM grants as well as general grant topics. There will be a monthly focus. You can sign up in the Grants Office Hours section below.
The 2025/2026 grant programs have been delayed. Please see more information below under Grants.
2022 & 2023 LSTA Program Reports
- LSTA & Other Federal Funds Fact Sheet - Federal Fiscal Year 2023/State Fiscal Year 2024
- LSTA & Other Federal Funds Fact Sheet - Federal Fiscal Year 2022/State Fiscal Year 2023
- LSTA & Other Federal Funds Fact Sheet - Federal Fiscal Year 2021/State Fiscal Year 2022
LSTA Grants
The Library of Michigan is continuing the hiatus for the Public Library Services grant program through 2025 and delaying the application and grant period for the Improving Access to Information 2025/2026 program. When there is more information on the status of LSTA funding for fiscal year 2026, LM will update the status of the Improving Access to Information grant program.LM's 2024/2025 Improving Access to Information grants program awards were awarded in August 2024. LM awarded twelve Improving Access to Information grants for the program year. LM received 23 applications from academic and public libraries working to provide further access and services to their students and communities. The twelve awarded grants total $234,265. This LSTA grant program is designed to provide libraries with the opportunity to expand services for learning and access to information and/or to develop library services that provide all users access to information. The intent is to fund one-year projects that increase access to library collections and information. This grant program is competitive. The Library of Michigan has limited funding and therefore has limited funds to grant to organizations. You can find full program information at the Library Grant Programs link below.
Grants Office Hours
Join our monthly discussion about all things grants starting in January. Discuss questions about Library of Michigan grants or grants in general with staff from the Library of Michigan. We will cover planning programs, developing budgets, issues with partnerships, evaluation, managing the grant requirements, funder relationships and anything else you'd like to discuss. Further information and registration are here.UEI Numbers for Libraries - Required for Grants & CE Stipends
All libraries applying for grants or continuing education stipends from the Library of Michigan must submit a valid, current UEI number with their application. A UEI is a Unique Entity Identifier from If your library is part of a municipality, the municipality is responsible for applying for or confirming the UEI number. If your library is an independent entity, then your library is responsible for applying for or confirming the UEI number. The overview below has more information on to apply for a UEI at
Tech Ban for Federally Funded Grants
Grantees may not purchase telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services from companies with an Exclusion in their record. Please check when purchasing technology equipment to confirm the manufacturer of the equipment is not a banned company! This applies to ALL federal funding regardless of the agency or department the funds are received from.
Public Library Services Grant Program - Currently on hiatus.
Improving Access to Information Grant Program
Find previous annual reports, fact sheets and Five-Year Plans for Library Services & Technology Act funds here.
Surveys, tips, newsletters, and more.