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Continuing Education

2022 LM For Libraries Continuing Education Hero Image Staff Training
Library Of Michigan

Continuing Education


LM Continuing Education Opportunities

Find upcoming training opportunities from LM for Michigan library staff and trustees, including live PCI Webinar content, viewable by date or month with links to registration.

LM Continuing Education Opportunities

Library staff can register for their own unique profile in Niche and take advantage of hundreds of self-paced online training modules created by LM and other organizations. Please allow up to 2 business days for your own account to be activated. This project is made possible in part with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

LM Niche Staff Skills Academy

United for Libraries is the American Library Association (ALA) division supporting library trustees, friends, foundations, and advocates. Members of the Michigan library community are provided with membership courtesy of the Library of Michigan. To create your own account, visit the site and follow the path for "Statewide Access-Find Your State" to use the member resources. This project is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

United for Libraries

WebJunction provides online training on a variety of library-related topics. Certificates of completion of provided with self-paced courses and webinar archives are available.  This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

WebJunction Self-Paced Courses and Webinars

We've archived webinars provided by Library of Michigan staff on a variety of topics. These are available to you 24/7 for your convenience. Check back often for updates.

Library of Michigan Webinar Archives

A monthly listing of dozens of free, online sessions on a variety of library-related topics that can support the increase of your knowledge, skills and abilities to help move your library forward and connect with your community.

Free Library Related Webinars

Training for Certification and State Aid

Beginning Workshop

This event is being transformed into an online, self-paced course for library staff without a Master's degree in Library Science. Beginning Workshop is a requirement to obtain Level 3 or Level 4 Library of Michigan library staff certification.   For a library to be eligible for State Aid payments in fiscal year 2022 necessary staff must complete this online course by March 1, 2022. The course is supported with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Beginning Workshop

New Director Pathway Training

For a library to be eligible for State Aid payments in fiscal year 2022 necessary staff must complete this online course by March 1, 2022. Completion of the self-paced, online course is necessary for director certification as part of the qualification criteria for State Aid to Public Libraries. The New Director Pathway is made possible in part with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

New Director Pathway Training

Advanced Director Pathway Training

For a library to be eligible for State Aid payments in fiscal year 2022 necessary staff must complete this online course by March 1, 2022. Completion of the self-paced, online course is open to anyone but is necessary for director certification for those staff serving as a director administering Class 4, 5 and 6 libraries as part of the qualification criteria for State Aid to Public Libraries.  The Advanced Director Pathway is made possible in part with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Advanced Director Pathway Training

Library Training Cohorts

Public Library Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capacity Building Cohort

Library of Michigan is working with The Galecia Group to provide an interactive capacity building series on AI for up to 24 public library staff members. Recommended participants are library staff who are interested in gaining hands-on experience in AI technologies in topics of particular interest to public libraries. This project is made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.
Public Library Artificial Intelligence AI Capacity Building Cohort

Public Library Management Cohort

The Library of Michigan works to provide library specific administrative training for public library staff. As part of this goal, LM is working with Andrew Sanderbeck/PCI Webinars to provide an in-depth Public Library Management cohort of up to 60 public library staff members, 30 in a Middle Management track and 30 in New Supervisors track. This project is made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.
Public Library Management Cohort

Conversation Camp for Library Leaders

The Conversation Camp for Library Leaders course is over. If a round 2 is possible, it will be announced on Michlib-l.

Conversations are at the heart of everything we do in libraries. They are key to effective communications, leadership, strategy, high performance, strong relationships, and the health of our organizations and communities. This two-day, in-person, training cohort is aimed at public and academic library directors, managers and supervisors who are interested in learning how to fuel more meaningful, productive, and strategic conversations. This project is made possible in part with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Conversation Camp for Library Leaders

Public Library Financial Management Cohort

The Public Library Financial Management Cohort is on hold for 2024/2025. Please revisit the Cohort page in summer 2025 for more information on the 2025/2026 year.

This public library training cohort is aimed at staff interested in improving their financial skills. LM is working with the University of Georgia's Carl Vinson Institute of Government to provide a 12-month public library financial management certificate program for a cohort of 30 Michigan public library staff members.  This project is made possible in part with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Public Library Financial Management Cohort

Library Continuing Education Program

Library Continuing Education Stipend Program

The Library of Michigan strives to support libraries’ efforts to provide quality services and programming to their communities. A major element of excellent service is empowering library staff to learn and implement new skills and best practices. The Library Continuing Education Stipend program helps by providing financial support for library staff continuing education.

Library Continuing Education Stipend Program

Online Education (National)

Tech Training materials for library staff and patrons.

Colorado State Library - Library Creation and Learning Centers

Michigan Training Connect (MiTC) is the state’s official eligible training provider list for individuals qualifying for an Individual Training Account under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Also find resources that may be helpful to you as you explore work and educational possibilities.

Michigan Training Connect

The Alternative Basic Library Education (ABLE) Program is designed to help library staff members who have no formal education in library science to acquire the basic knowledge and skills needed to operate or work in a library through general classes.

Idaho Commission for Libraries - Able Program

The Supplemental Alternative Basic Library Education (SABLE) Program is designed to help library staff members who have no formal education in library science to acquire the basic knowledge and skills needed to operate or work in a library through more specific classes.

Idaho Commission for Libraries - Sable Program

Infopeople is part of the Califa Group, a nonprofit consortium of more than 230 libraries committed to unleashing the impact of libraries. Infopeople provides library staff quality continuing education opportunities that are tailored to library needs and developed by experienced library professionals. Training formats include 2-6 week asynchronous online courses, as well as free one-hour webinars. InfoPeople offers a limited number of scholarships for their online courses to ARSL members. 

InfoPeople Webinars & Online Courses

Provides an introduction to the many and unique facets of public library directorship.  This series of four on-demand recordings provides a broad overview that both informs and inspires.

Public Library Director 101 Series

Each academic term, the UW-Madison SLIS is offering a selection of moderated online courses for a fee on library continuing education topics.

UW-Madison School of Library & Information Studies - Online Continuing Education Courses

Refund Policy

Refund and Attendance Policy for Library of Michigan Training Events

Refund and Attendance Policy for Library of Michigan Training Events