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Gillette Sand Dune Visitor Center

An interpreter guides a group of children through a dune, pointing at some grasses

Gillette Sand Dune Visitor Center

Hours of Operation

The Gillette Visitor Center is closed for renovations until this summer.


Regular Schedule: 

January 2 - Memorial Day: Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Memorial Day - Labor Day: Daily 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Labor Day - November 14: Friday, Saturday 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.

November 15 through December 31: CLOSED

The Gillette Visitor Center, located in P.J. Hoffmaster State Park, is nestled among one of the nation's most impressive dune systems. Perched at the top of a large sand dune surrounded by a pristine wooded backdune, the center features exhibits to tell Michigan's unique sand dune story. Within easy access from the visitor center, the half-mile Lake Michigan Trail goes up and over the park's sheltered backdune forest and leads visitors out into a grassy foredune with a sweeping view of the beach and Lake Michigan.

Take a virtual tour

Take a virtual tour of the museum, courtesy of Able Eyes.

Visitor center information

  • The center's main exhibit hall, "Michigan Coastal Sand Dunes: Like Nowhere Else on Earth," features:

    • Dioramas that depict the four dune habitats in all seasons and include models of the animals and plants that live there.
    • An animation station where visitors can see how sand dunes are formed.
    • An interactive audio/video station that shows the ant lion at work and offers a play-by-play account of its hunting skill.

    The Gillette Sand Dune Visitor Center also includes a classroom with seasonal live animal displays and an auditorium where an audiovisual presentation orients visitors to the park and its surrounding sand dunes.

  • Gillette Nature Association

    A nonprofit friends group, the Gillette Nature Association promotes and sponsors interpretive and volunteer activities at P.J. Hoffmaster State Park, including the center's main special events.

Programs for families and classrooms

K-12 school programs

Gillette Sand Dune Visitor Center offers a variety of field trip opportunities and school programs.

Programs for the public

Fun, educational programs held throughout the year.