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Maps | Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Maps | Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GIS Open Data Portal
The Michigan GIS Open Data Portal provides the GIS community with an easy to use single point of entry for all State of Michigan open geospatial data. Use the Portal to browse, search, preview, and download a variety of Michigan geospatial datasets.
MGF Data Hub
Visit the Michigan Geographic Framework Data Hub to learn more about Open Data, Boundaries, Annexations, and more
Michigan GIS Advisory Group
Learn more about the Michigan GIS Advisory Group and its plans for the geospatial community in Michigan
Upcoming GIS User Group Meetings
May 8th, 2025 10:00 am, Statewide GIS User Group Meeting
Program Partnerships
Statewide Hydrography GIS Program
Today, Michigan has a statewide geographic information systems (GIS) hydrography layer depicting rivers, lakes, and streams that was digitized at 1:24,000 scale during the early 2000s from USGS topographic quadrangles. At 1:24,000 scale, the location accuracy of features can be off as much as 40 feet. The Department of Technology, Management, and Budget's (DTMB) Geospatial Services team is coordinating an effort to improve the GIS hydrography data on a statewide basis.
Michigan Statewide NG911 GIS Repository
The Michigan State Police (MSP) 9-1-1 Administration Section launched the Statewide NG911 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Repository in 2012 to prepare for Next Generation 911 (NG911) GIS data preparation and interoperability. The repository provides a platform for all Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) across the state the ability to upload their GIS datasets required for NG911 into a data format aligned with National Emergency Number Association (NENA) standards.
Transportation Asset Management Council
The Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) is comprised of professionals from county road commissions, cities, a county commissioner, a township official, regional and metropolitan planning organizations, and state transportation department personnel. The Council reports to the Michigan Infrastructure Council and the State Transportation Commission. The Council reports to the Michigan Infrastructure Council and the State Transportation Commission. Council members are appointed to 3-year terms. The Center for Shared Solutions (CSS) is the central data storage agency of the Council and serves as a non-voting member. The activities of the Council are supported by the TAMC Coordinator and MDOT.
Michigan Statewide Authoritative Imagery & LiDAR Program
The Michigan Statewide Authoritative Imagery & LiDAR (MiSAIL) program continues to evolve. Partnerships opportunities for imagery and LiDAR are available, and include access to the Michigan Imagery Solution (MIS), a State of Michigan managed secure imagery viewing service.
GIS Mailing List
Stay engaged with the Michigan GIS community through the Michigan GIS Mailing List
Learn about upcoming events, educational opportunities, and GIS job postings
DNR Maps and Data
EGLE Maps and Data
MDOT Maps and Data