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Michigan Voting Dashboard for desktop
Michigan Voting Dashboard for desktop
This dashboard provides daily updates of data about voting and elections in Michigan starting 45 days before an upcoming statewide election. The dashboard does not provide unofficial or official election results and data stops updating 30 days after Election Day unless otherwise specified.
For more information, view What is the data on this dashboard?
Dashboard may take 5-10 seconds to load
Background information
Michigan's convenient voting options
9 consecutive days (or more) of early voting
Vote in person before the traditional Election Day in statewide elections: Cast your ballot in the tabulator, and get an "I Voted" sticker.
Find your early voting locations
More ways to return your absentee ballot
Secure ballot drop boxes are available in all Michigan municipalities. Use one in your jurisdiction or drop the postage-paid ballot return envelope in a mailbox. You can also choose to tabulate your absentee ballot at your early voting or Election Day polling location.
Note: Absentee ballot tabulation is not available at City of Detroit Election Day polling locations.
Expanding options to track your absentee ballot
You can check the status of your absentee ballot and sign up to receive email notifications about your absentee ballot by subscribing to ballot notifications on
Permanent vote-by-mail voting
When requesting an absentee ballot, eligible voters can opt to receive a ballot for all future elections. Sign up to receive a ballot by mail for every election.
Request an absentee ballot online
Expanded options for voter ID
When you go to the polls, bring your driver's license or state ID; federal, state or local government-issued photo ID; U.S. passport; tribal photo ID; military ID; or student ID – or sign an affidavit of your identity.
What is the data on this dashboard?
This dashboard displays voter history data from the Michigan Department of State’s Qualified Voter File (QVF). The QVF is the secure list of voters used by the Michigan Bureau of Elections and more than 1,500 election clerks throughout the state in the administration of elections.
Absentee and early voting (when available) data is updated daily in the dashboard starting 45 days before an upcoming election. A ballot cast by an early voter in person is updated in the QVF via the Early Voting e-Pollbook at the time the ballot is cast. Absentee ballot data is updated in the QVF by local clerks. Election Day voting data is uploaded by clerks into QVF after Election Day.
Voter registration data is updated daily in the dashboard, based on changes to the data (e.g., whenever a new voter registers, a voter updates their registration information – such as an address, or a voter's registration is cancelled).
Because the QVF system is live and changes in real time, metrics may change retroactively when local clerks review, upload, or correct records or when a voter moves residences.
This dashboard has aggregated totals only. Data values that total 10 or less are displayed as “Less than 10” to protect voter privacy. Specific voter details available through the Freedom of Information Act must be requested through the listed methods on the Transparency and Freedom of Information Act page.
The data on this dashboard regarding the number of ballots cast comes from voting history data in the QVF that is input by clerks. Counts from voter history data will not match official or unofficial election results which are based on tabulator totals.
For more information about unofficial results direct from the county’s website, visit Candidate listings and election results by county. You can also view the results of statewide elections on
Data for elections currently in process is updated through the current date unless otherwise specified. Data pertaining to a historical election is archived 30 days after Election Day and is not updated in the dashboard after that time.
Election security in Michigan
Michigan's election system is among the strongest and most secure in the nation.
- Michigan has upgraded voting technology, including next-generation optical scan machines, which use paper ballots scanned through electronic tabulators.
- Michigan is a member of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which is a system to help states keep their voter rolls accurate when voters move across states, change addresses, or pass away.
- Michigan has improved voter registration systems, including automatic voter registration for citizens when applying for a driver’s license or state ID, and has made improvements to online voter registration.
Feedback and accessibility
How to submit feedback
If you have questions regarding the Michigan Voting Dashboard, please contact
How to request accommodations
If you have issues while using the dashboard related to accessibility, please contact
Search for your voter information
Check your polling place, location, and hours for early voting and Election Day.