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Image of 2 recycling line workers sorting through recyclables
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy


EGLE strives to promote healthy communities, economic growth, and environmental sustainability through recycling. We support individuals, businesses, and communities by providing educational awareness as well as technical, financial, and referral assistance. EGLE offers a variety of programs each ear that focuses on expanding access to recycling, improving the quality of recyclable materials, increasing recycling capacity, reducing food waste, and building the circular economy. 

Preview of the Materials Management facilities map
Preview of the Materials Management facilities map

Michigan Materials Management Facilities web map

In addition to ensuring that waste disposal practices are protective of the public and environment, we promote a systematic approach to using/reusing resources productively and sustainably throughout their life cycles, from the point of resource extraction through material recycling or final disposal. Materials management includes managing recyclables, organics, tires, wood, concrete, and other materials traditionally considered trash and landfilled.

Launch web map

View the interactive map to explore the location of the Materials Management facilities.

Access data

The data used in the map is available to download and to view as a table.

Maps and data portal

Find all of EGLE's web maps and open data centralized to one location.


A thriving materials management system in Michigan is created through a network of successful local programs, effective education, innovative market development, public/private partnerships, and more. EGLE strives to make grant funding available annually to support projects that will contribute to Michigan's environment through enhanced materials management.

Education Resources

Education is an essential ingredient for a sustainable and thriving recycling system. We hope to provide meaningful information and resources to support education efforts across Michigan. Together, we can make more informed decisions about how to manage our discards, preserving our landfill space, improving our economy, and preserving natural resources.